6-30 new site + zoo fixes !

as you can see - my site has been completely re-vamped. Everything - from the address, to the format and layout - everything's changed !!

It's now a nice, neat blog - it's shiny, kinda fancy, and super organized - so I love it!

there's now a search function - on the left side of the front page. It will look through my archives and you will be able to find anything you need, there. ;) (for example : cupid, baskets, etc.)

enough about the new site .. onto zoo news ! :)

  • Zoo Developers finally fixed the 'non-giftable' bug that was happening to the Florida Panthers. They are now in the limited section of the gifts.

  • I hope you've been collecting your wrenches !! They've announced that hamburger stands can now be upgraded, too - along with balloon/cotton candy stands !! So, if you want the fanciest burger joint this side of the Mississippi, keep clickin' on those wrenches at your entry gate.

  • ZooWorld fixed the welcome basket animals, that weren't allowing people to level up. They will not be needed for the Noah's ark, 3 / 5 of a kind levels.
  • Patriotic Bear is in the shop .. for way too much $ - lol but they're there ;)

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6-29 Ready-set- FIREWORKS !

Boy, if I don't feel a little overwhelmed with all the new stuff lately !

As previously promised in 4th of July items coming - our patriotic collectibles are here ! Just like most of the other promotions, this one is a 'limited time only' offer and ends on July 13th.

Anytime you log in, after today, June 29th - you should see your little 4th of July boat floating, by your entry gate of your zoo.

Click on this and you will have the option to 'ask friends for help' with collecting fireworks as well as 'share' some sparklers for friends.

As you can see - the end goal is to collect a buncha fireworks (sent from friends) and also sparklers (off the feed). Each animal has different requirements - but you need the following - to get 2 of each animal. (for breeding purposes)

120 sparklers + 45 red fireworks + 95 blue fireworks + 75 white fireworks

These 4 cute little stands / kiosks are now available in your shop, too !

Hat Stand $12k // Little Lady Liberty $150k // Liberty Bell $50k can all be found in decorations
Apple Pie Stand $10k is under kiosks

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6-29 cupid/candyman feeders-Beta testing

For a long time, people have been asking for some way to 'mass-feed' their pets in the zoo. It looks like Zoo World answered their requests with the new 'staff members' Cupid and Candyman.

This is a feature that's only in Beta testing - so not everyone has access to it !
Despite the fact that you get this message, right now, it is not actually based on XP!

It's a random bunch of people who get to help test it. The reason you and I may not have it, is because we were not selected to be part of the group to figure out the bugs. (we can probably be thankful for a little less frustration, at least!)

beta testing, it will be available to everyone over Level 10 xp.

It seems as though you purchase the staff members for zoo cash - but the "juice" that fuels them is available only for WildLife Points. Since I'm not part of the tester group - I can't tell you how they work, exactly.

Any comments explaining, would be greatly appreciated ! :)

For more information - definitely look at the zoo world forums.

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6-28 another build - playground

ok, it looks like they're going to do it again ...

Yep! They're going to smack us upside the head with another mundane buildable. This one is pretty cute - but it looks like there's even more pieces than usual. LoL

I can't wait to click through another 293,042,343 gift notifications, to build one. [/end sarcasm]

Here are the pieces -- Frame / Slide / Sandbox / SpringyHorse / Swing / Tube

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6-27 who ordered extra 'shrooms? :)

Today was the 7th day of the 'upgraded gifts' -- so, the red mushrooms have arrived !

As you can see, the mushrooms appear to have a 3:1 ratio, just like the rest of the collectibles.

just remember to visit your own zoo every day for a week and you'll get one red mushroom. lol only 729+ weeks to get to the last one? Zoo - that's not the most brilliant thing I've heard all day .. but .. ok.

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6-26 more rose bugs & gifting issues

LOTS of issues and/or perhaps unannounced changes, today!

When friends post roses to share- you will NOT get the color of rose that was advertised - you get this >

a helper on zoo forum said 'it's because you have to click within an hour' .. but that's not the issue, either. Even if you are the ONLY person to click and you click right away -- you won't get the rose it says you will.

Hopefully they fix this soon or I agree with Tamara when she said "they should change the name of these to mystery roses" ;)

They've fixed the welcome basket bug! You should be able to collect three per day, again. For a couple days, it's been giving an error message 'you may only collect 3 per day' even if you hadn't collected a single one, yet. If you are still having problems - be sure to follow Joe's steps, to 'optimize' your zoo's performance. :)

a couple of bugs/issues to be aware of - with the animals from inside the baskets -
--the Florida panther seems to be the only animal in these that are un-giftable at the moment - they do not even appear in the gifting section.

--when gifting these animals, it is unlike the rest of the animals in zoo world. If you have one left of any other animal, you will not be able to gift it away. These will allow you to 'go through the motions' of sending them - but they never reach their destination. The receiver gets this error, but the animal should still be sitting in your zoo

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6-25 July 4th - coming soon!

It's time to fly those stars-n-stripes !
I love July 4th ! It's always so much fun with family and friends, sunshine, hamburgers, beer and fireworks - which all give us even more reason to celebrate our independence!

zoo world is partaking in the fun - with some neat 4th of July stuff - coming soon !

It looks like Zoo World will place a boat near your zoo island, (like Easter/Mother's day boats)
Then we will be able to gift fireworks and/or sparklers, then also find fireworks and/or sparklers on the feed

Once you have enough fireworks and sparklers, you will be able to trade them in for limited edition items -

Hat Stand -- Lady Liberty -- Liberty Bell -- Apple Pie stand

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6-24 monkey business

The boys n girls at zooworld have been monkeyin' around ... :) There were three new monkeys (and 2 other animals, shown right below) released into the wild, today - but only for a limited time ! You have 10 days to get these babies in your zoo, before they go away forever!

So, go visit your shop - there's no level requirement.

Japanese Macaque

Rhesus Monkey

White-cheeked Gibbon

Along with the new guys - there's 2 new kiosks and 1 new tree

Banana stand, $15,000

plush monkey stand, $20,000

banana tree, $5,000

and coming soon - these are the 'mystery' animals that you get on the 7th day day visit to your zoo.

Kudu // Daysure

to see upcoming animals - you can go to your 'send a LIMITED gift' area, the very last page - they will be greyed out. :)

*quick note* zoo-world developers know about the "you may only collect 3 per day" bug, when trying to accept the new welcome baskets. they are in the process of 'working on it.'

They've also let us know, that these animals are exempt from leveling requirements. :)

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6-23 got shrooms?

Zooworld has introduced a collection of mushrooms, that go along with the new upgraded gifts for visiting your zoo, everyday. On day 6, we'll receive a red mushroom. These mushrooms are supposed to upgrade in the order they appear, in the picture above.

Unfortunately .. zooworld is communicating with us as much as ever and we don't know yet, how many of each mushroom will be required to 'upgrade.'

Hopefully we'll know a 'ratio' for the upgrading soon .. but for now - just make sure to visit your zoo, everyday and don't eat the purple ones ! lol ;)

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6-22 welcome baskets guide

zooworld released something and it doesn't work like you think it would - what a big surprise!! lol ;) They've come out with these "welcome baskets." You may only collect three baskets per day, and you will have the option to post these for friends, when you add a new zoomate and/or are the person to receive the gift from a friend's welcome basket.

The baskets appear on the live feed, but you have to be the first to click it ! When they do work - they're rumored to house these cute little critters :

Star Tortoise



Sea Star

If you are not the first, when you click it, it gives you this -

I know you didn't click on it - but we're talking about zooworld here, lol - give them a time or two to release it, before it's actually right.

Once you are the first person to click on one of these, you'll get a window like these :

Of the three I accepted, you can see only one actually had an animal. But - the other 2 had very nice sculptures in them, one shakes for $410k and the other for $1.6 million ! yay ! have fun getting your own ! :)

^^^ This is the new 'greeting message' for each daily visit to our own zoo.

Your prizes will be upgraded, for each day you visit, consecutively.

Don't miss a day ! :)

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