7-29 where's the rest of my island !? gggrrrr !

I'd have to say I've been pretty lucky when it comes to bugs in Zoo World. I've heard nightmare stories about people's zoos going missing and even items/money/friends disappearing !

I always feel empathetic - but deep down I was a little, teeny, tiny bit like "pheww! glad that's not happening to me!" lol - sorry, if that's wrong - but I do a little!

I was so proud of this "NO TREASURE" sign that I made to try to let friends know I didn't want them to 'leave the treasure' whenever they visit my zoo. (it didn't work very well, btw)

Well - it's half gone now - as you can see below. Not only is half of my 'note' gone - but I can't see the 18 animals it left 'hungry' on my island !!! grrr !!

I'm unbelievably frustrated right now, with this situation. I've fed my animals their treats for a couple days and I may just leave my zoo unattended for that long. lol

sorry about the rant - just had to get it off my chest !

ok - some ZOO NEWS and less bitchin' ! lol

the Kudu and Daysure that were removed are now available in the shop, to buy ! yay - thanks zoo - that's awesome ! ;)

Also - there's a buncha LIMITED time items - including animals - seen below !
I'll see ya guys in a couple days!! :D

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7-28 new animals in the welcome basket ! :)

well isn't today fun !?! Not only did we find out about the new '7th day' gifts - but there's new animals inside the welcome baskets as well !!

I got a Guar - but there's more than one animal out, a funny looking fish - a Malayan Bony Tonguefish

(7/31 - I can confirm, NEITHER of these are able to breed.)

Thanks for letting me know about the existence of the fish - Maggie B ! :)

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7-28 new animals to replace the Kudu and Daysure

Ok, I realize the title may be a little misleading lol - sorry !! Zookeeper Matt at Zoo Forum said these guys are going to be the new animal prizes for the daily rewards.

Zoo is not going to take away the kudu/daysures that you already have - they'll just be giving out new animals as the prize for the 7th day, with the ones pictured below.

Concave HornBill .&. Crocodile Lizard

I find this change a little bit unfortunate, because not everyone was able to get one of each animal and they're already moving onto another animal. I guess it doesn't matter, really - because we can't breed the dang things. But, I like to have at least 2 of each lol .. it's a little OCD and also silly - because I think "who are they gonna play with, if I only have 1?" haha - anyway, they're moving on ;)

They've also been releasing, one day at a time - the new 'sharable' daily gifts. I'm hoping that they will repeat the same gifts, next week - because not everyone logs into their zoo, each day.

Anyway - these are the ones that I know for sure have come out, so far.

One last word of advice - if you COLLECT the juice, as you see your friends 'share' it on the feed - DON'T COLLECT until you have 100 juice saved up ! The reason being, if you claim juice before your juice regenerates to the full 100, it will still stop at 100. Essentially being absorbed by the regeneration. However, if you claim it after - you can climb and climb in your juice amount. :)

ttyl, guys n gals ! :)

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7-26 Chocolate factory is out !

The chocolate factory buildable is now up and running in zoo world.

There's five pieces to build the factory + the frame. Then, you'll need 10 of each piece in order to build ONE factory. Apparently there's only 27 days in which to build these - so get on it. ;)

After you purchase the frame from the shop, place it in your zoo and click on it. Then, you'll receive a screen telling you how many pieces you have and also give you the option to request the needed pieces from friends.

ps - it's HUGE, just like the bumper cars

Luckily - we can gift all five pieces - so it should be easy enough to build one.

There's a LOT of bugs right now, too - so some people are unable to get into their shops - in order to purchase the frame. Don't forget to try the backdoor to get into your shop. ;)

we only have until July 29th to build the playground - so be sure to get the playground requests sent out.

When you see a friend sending out a request for pieces, if you send one to them -- you get one automatically in return! So, it behooves you to help your friends, when you see these ;)

Have fun with your Willy Wonka time ! :P

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7-21 new animals out, french deco + a chocolate factory build is coming :/

There's three animals in the shop, right now, available to everyone for ONLY 8 days. They are the 3 I talked about yesterday - the wild boar, chipmunk, and ibex. (for me, they were $5.5mil)

You can find a new chinese softshell turtle up for adoption on your friend's 'news feed.'

There were also a couple of new animals that came out in the shop, if you are a high enough level.
Rumor has it, these are available at level 125 and higher - if you know differently - please let us know via comments, tyvm ! - I have to mention I'm a huge fan of the dragon - so dang cute ! :) thumbs up !

lol - "out with the farm and in with the French! " As I type this - there's only a few hours left to buy the farm animals and items. They're being replaced with new kiosks : french cafe ($25 k left ) and french bistro ( $15 k right).

There's also a couple of new 'decorations' .. but they're not really decorative - they're just huge french buildings.
One is a replica of the Arc De Triomphe ($25 mil, left) and the other is generically titled 'French House' ($5 mil, right)

Also - there's a new Zoo Center in the shop, under 'decorations' for $10 million.

Hopefully - this is where someone is working out how we can get some new damn islands, to put all this new stuff ! LoL

Last and most certainly least - zoo is soon going to be introducing yet another buildable.
a 'chocolate factory' .. what are they thinking??

lol - not onlydoes it make no sense - but, until we get more islands - this is another of the builds I DON'T have space for and probably won't be partaking in.

visit and 'like' ZWHG for the latest !

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7-20 new daily gifts, free juice, new animals + July 4th ending!

  • Expiring things first ! The 'extension' for the 4th of July promotion was until the 19th to send the items - but we have until the 22nd of this month to trade in your fireworks/sparklers for your Independence day creatures. So, get your stuff traded in, within the next 2 days - so all that collecting of fireworks/sparklers isn't a waste ! :)
  • Gift of the Day has been introduced. In your zoo - every 8 hours, you should have the option on the left side of your zoo - to post a 'gift' for your friends to collect. Only the first 10 to click, will receive the item - everyone after #10, gets an oak tree. You may only collect 5 of each, per day and may only 'share' 3x a day or every 8 hours. Remember that when you're collecting, some of the gifts are kiosks; so, you will need a kiosk manager for each one you take.
    • Once you click on the 'gift of the day' in your zoo - you'll be able to share. You can also see in the 2nd picture, that the next daily gift will be the 'kite stand' - so it looks like some of the items could be coming from this lot of upcoming junk.

  • There's juice on the feed !! When you log into your zoo - you could be lucky enough to have a little icon above your 'juice bar' that will allow you to post free juice for friends ! Go get juiced ! lol ;)

  • And last but not least - we have a new feed animal .. another BIRD !?!?! lol - this cute little Red legged Honey Creeper - can now be found on the live feed ! :)

If things go as usual - the next couple of animals out should be the ones pictured, below. But, I'm just guessing - so it could totally be wrong. If someone knows if these are out and what level they are - please let us know via comments. ty ! :)

Wild Boar /// Chipmunk


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7-18 a bad app, free FB credits, bugs, recruiting pressure & more!

Ok, first things first - an application called "loud social applications" had all but taken over the 'news feed' of facebook users, yesterday. The links were not taking me anywhere malicious - they were actually taking me to my zoo and doing the things that the links said they would do. (feed babies, bonuses, topiaries, etc.) But, when officials at the zoo forum suggested we block the application - I did, so maybe you should, too ! How to block - by the super-awesome Jess Wagner.

I'm not sure why it happened - but this made me smile, when it popped up on my FB home page.

However, the next 2 things did NOT make me smile. :(

When you go into your zoo now - every 5th friend is replaced with someone on your Friend's list who does NOT play zoo. With a big fat button saying "RECRUIT"

*rolls eyes* I don't like this change and hope they revert to the old display.

They also added a trophy for recruiting .. but mine shall stay as it is. at zero !
Most of my 'actual' friends (no offense ♥ )don't want anything to do with Facebook applications - so I wish they'd go back to the old way.

The next couple things might not be BRAND SPANKIN' new .. but I just noticed 'em - so here they are :)

  • we now get a $ prize notification, when we find the blue box mystery gift !?! :) yay !

  • You can now collect money at your entry gates, every 15 minutes -

  • When you attempt to feed someone's newborn zoo baby and someone else has already beaten you to the 'prize' -- you get a baby giraffe topiary, if you try to help your friend within a day. :)

And last but not least - there has been a bug when upgrading your entry gates at the platinum level. You get a message that tells you, you have reached the maximum (adamantium) level for your gate, but it doesn't actually show the gate at your zoo ! lol I hope they fix this soon - because I really want that danged gate ! lol

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7-17 July 4th extension, breeding changes + an ultra rare contest from ZW!

Zoo world decided to let us have an extension on the 4th of July promotion ! :)

This is what zoo world said : '4th of July Promo has been extended until noon July 19, PST. You will be able to trade in until July 22!' lol - so it's either the 19th or the 22nd .. either way - get all those fireworks and sparklers traded in! :)

When breeding, you'll see a new change to the way that the growth formulas are applied. After you select the animal you want to breed - you are brought to a new window - where you can choose to use the formula or not.
If you hover over the options, it tells you what the difference is in the breeding times.

The breeding specialists have also gotten an 'upgrade' of sorts.

I use the word upgrade, lightly - because it's not really all that great. You now have the option to ''feed' the breeding specialists juice. In return, you get a 'boost' of 25% breeding time. (essentially, you get a growth formula!)

The first one is a freebie, as you can see - but after that, it costs 50 juice to 'refill' your specialist. Although I'm not a fan of the juice - this works out ok - because if you have 2 extra nests - the juice accrues at 100 per 24 hour period - so you'd essentially get 2 free growth formulas per day.

This only applies to the additional breeding nests that have been purchased for 80 WLP.
(a.k.a. breeding specialists in your shop, under staff)


I also read somewhere that they'll be introducing juice into our feed, mystery gifts, or something similar. Honestly, I can't wait for that. I quite enjoyed the couple times I got to use the Cupid / CandyMan - but I doubt most of us are going to spend our hard-earned WLP on juice. But, if juice will be easier to attain - we might just be all for it. :)

Now - onto the contest !!

Yesterday, Zoo World began a contest for one of us to come up with a new Ultra Rare animal ! The 'prize' is a free ultra rare Unicorn plus one of the chosen winner! But, I really think the best prize would be knowing that you won and that was your animal people were shelling out $0.99 for ;) for more details on the contest - go here, to ZooWorld forums !

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7-16 more upcoming stuff .. where to put it all!?

I can't figure out for the life of me, where we're supposed to put this stuff. lol

Zoo world keeps bringing in new items and outrageously large buildables .. but, we're running outta room ! lol

I heard a rumor that they're supposed to be introducing some extra islands - but at this point .. it's still just a rumor. ;)

so - here's what's coming soon - not sure when, where or why, lol - so don't ask me!

we're apparently going 'nautical' .. ? *scratches head in confusion*

an anchor /// a sailboat

conch shell /// turban shell

and for our construction and hot air balloon needs ..

safety construction cone // cute lil' lion hot air balloon

food on the go !

double decker bus and a food court ..

places to relax ...

a hammock & a spaceship lol (??)

mmm cherry pie !!
and an information stand - to direct them to all the nonsense that fills our zoo, these days.

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