6-15 treat feed system, items + bugs

They get an A ++ for the new 'locate hungry animal' treat system - but we're saving that for last ! : )

If you get one of these rose windows ->> it's a "dud" and you shouldn't click accept. You receive no rose, but counts towards your daily limit of collectible 'feed roses.'

If you close by clicking the RED X in the corner, it won't count towards the limit!

Have a coke and a smile ! lol

There are 2 new coke kiosks available - a coke vending machine and a coke stand available in your shops, for $5,000 each. when you buy them, it says "thanks for purchasing - we've awarded you a polar bear" and shows a cute little coke bear - but don't be fooled !! It's just one of the regular polar bear that goes with the already existing polar bears from zoo world. They're cute though and sponsors should help zoo pay for further development - win, win. ;) Now .. bring on the Dr Pepper!

I just noticed there's a huge improvement to the 'feeding treats' system. Who didn't grumble as they had to scour over each of their islands trying to find those last 3 hungry animals ?!? Now, we don't have to ! Just hover your mouse over the heart - and it will tell you where your hungry animals are ! YAY ! Then, if you double click on the heart, it'll take you to the islands to find them ! kudos, guys!!

you can do the same things with the 'treats' icon

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