I don't get it - but I'm here to share it. :/
Zooworld will soon be introducing some new 'collections' in our zoo shops.
Some of the things are kinda cute or pretty neat, but then some are just ridiculous.
Let's start out with the most tolerable and semi-logical item - circus stuffs ! :) I think they're cute and kinda fun.

Snow owls are adorable .. but are all the hats really necessary .. wtf.

I'm not a fan of the lack of creativity with the t-rex's or the dragons, unicorns, etc. They're all the same basic animal .. they're just different colors. My 7 yr old could be more creative.

We already had the stegasaurus .. but zooworld thought he needed some friends .. with hats.

I wish that Zoo World would decide once and for all, do they want to be 1)a Zoo, 2)an amusement park, 3)a fantasy world, 4)a circus or 5)a playground? Decide, let us know, and then progress from there. Stop trying to be everything. It is too much clutter for any zoo I have ever seen in my life.
I know - I can't stand some of the stuff that's coming out - it's borderline ridiculous !
A castle .. a bumper car ride .. ok
the reggae stegasaurus threw me over the edge lmao!
PLEASE>>> can't we stick to real animals? We have a world of them in crisis and on the endangered list. We could make a difference by educating zoo members about their plight. It doesn't all have to be entertainement... does it?
As someone who has protested and boycotted "circuses" for the cause of abused animals for "entertainment"...I would NEVER dignify ZooWorld's attempt at making MY zoo a "circus" by participating in their up-coming new items.... If you are a TRUE animal lover you will not participate either.
more non-zoo crap. Get real and get some good thing for the animal in all of us. Please no more cornball items thank you
For animals we actually buy, could there be donations? The idea of the Haiti flamingo (which I missed - drat) is a good one. I would pay more if I knew it was going to a good cause. Maybe we could "adopt" something like the World Wildlife Fund and have a few cents of every purchase go to them. We're probably all doing zoo because we love animals, right?
Kelly Cooper
The zoo devs show a lack of imagination with the next animals to come.
Why can't they bring out more of the fish so we could set up a tropical reef island.
I love the idea of donations - I would be more likely to purchase the $.99 animals, knowing that $1 was going to something good!
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