6-22 welcome baskets guide

zooworld released something and it doesn't work like you think it would - what a big surprise!! lol ;) They've come out with these "welcome baskets." You may only collect three baskets per day, and you will have the option to post these for friends, when you add a new zoomate and/or are the person to receive the gift from a friend's welcome basket.

The baskets appear on the live feed, but you have to be the first to click it ! When they do work - they're rumored to house these cute little critters :

Star Tortoise



Sea Star

If you are not the first, when you click it, it gives you this -

I know you didn't click on it - but we're talking about zooworld here, lol - give them a time or two to release it, before it's actually right.

Once you are the first person to click on one of these, you'll get a window like these :

Of the three I accepted, you can see only one actually had an animal. But - the other 2 had very nice sculptures in them, one shakes for $410k and the other for $1.6 million ! yay ! have fun getting your own ! :)

^^^ This is the new 'greeting message' for each daily visit to our own zoo.

Your prizes will be upgraded, for each day you visit, consecutively.

Don't miss a day ! :)

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gtaylor 2412@hotmail.com said...

i dont get the daily gifts any more and i dont know why

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